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Discount Days
Our standard rate of £450 for the ‘Any Room In Your Home’ offer will return on March 1st 2025.
The reduced offer rate of £375 for the ‘Any Room In Your Home’ will still be offered on ‘Discount Days’ throughout the year.
What Are The Dates?
We have planned some ‘Discount Days’ so that you can plan and save up for the painting you want to have done in your home in 2025.
Monday 10th,
Tuesday 11th,
Wednesday 12th and
Thursday 13th
Monday 24th,
Tuesday 25th,
Wednesday 26th,
Thursday 27th and
Friday 28th
Monday 21st,
Tuesday 22nd,
Wednesday 23rd,
Thursday 24th and
Friday 25th
Monday 15th,
Tuesday 16th,
Wednesday 17th,
Thursday 18th and
Friday 19th
1st to 31st (Whole Month!)

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